Another Slow Day

July 27, 2009

  • What: Treadmill
  • Distance: 0.8 miles
  • Duration: 20 min
  • Calories: 119

I want to go to bed. Have to take Julia to swim lessons early in the morning.  Did an easy walk on the treadmill and now off to shower and snooze.

Slow Day

July 22, 2009

  • What: Treadmill
  • Distance: 1.25 miles
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Calories: 180

Slept badly, ate so-so, exhausted from working the church thrift store and doing some shopping with Julia (clothes for her, groceries). I am feeling all out of sorts and PMS-y. But I kept up the food log and I actually wrote down the tiny walk I squished in while watching Paul play Guitar Hero. Yay me.


April 10, 2008

Abby was born last sunday.  We found out yesterday she has a heart defect that will require open heart surgery in 2 months.  I will be posting any updates on my family website:

Cervix check this morning revealed no change.  Doc started talking about c-section again.  She wanted to schedule one today, but I opted to wait till next appt.  If no change at next appt, c-section will be quick.  If some change, she will give me till 41 weeks.  I am DE-pressed.

Life’s good.

April 1, 2008

Things here are going well and calming down. We actually sat down to eat as a family for dinner today. Yay!

I’ve still got a lot of work to do before earth Day, and I still feel like I’m racing the clock, but I’m in the home stretch and it’s like you just have to let it go after a point and let it be… whatever it will be.

You know?

Change in attitude

March 29, 2008

One week (or so) left and I am trying to change my attitude.  I have been so anxious to get the little bugger out that I haven’t been “enjoying” the last week or so of pregnancy.  Then I realized a couple of days ago that this is likely the last time I will ever be pregnant, the last time I will get to feel the internal motions of a little human being.  We hope we can have another, but with our fertility it isn’t guaranteed.  So I am trying to appreciate the sensations, live in the moment, and wait as patiently as possible.

I started maternity leave on Thursday so I have had 2 days “off” to do stuff around the house and nap.  Napping is highest on my list of things to do, but I did set up the pack and play in our bedroom and go to the bank.  See, I am being productive too.

I went to the doc last wednesday and she didn’t think anything was going to happen this week.  Cervix was completely unchanged.  Trying not to obsess about when/how/IF I will go into labor.  I will try to update before it happens, though.

I am in the home stretch now, we know (well, hope, do we ever really know?) we will have a baby in a carrier in less than 3 weeks.  The only question then is when, people, when?  I have been having contractions on and off since Friday.  They last for several hours and seem to get into a good pattern,  then peter out and die.  Yesterday I had an NST and two contractions were caught on the tape.  I had been contracting since about 11, the NST was at 1. They were 18 minutes apart then.  The rest of the night, the contractions continued, getting to be about 8 minutes apart by 5 pm.  After dinner I went for a walk (hoping to make them stronger and closer) and they went away.  Oh well.  I go in to the doctor tomorrow and get checked again, hopefully the contractions are making changes to my cervix.  (At last check, my cervix was high and “finger tip” dilated and the baby was at -1.  Think Low Cervix! thoughts for me.)

With Iz, I didn’t have any contractions till right at the end so all these “non-real”contractions are playing with my emotions.  Every night I think “Should I finish packing my bag?  Should Iz sleep with mom?  Is tonight the night?” only to be disappointed again.

Speaking of disappointment, I was going to the spa today with my girlfriend to get pedicures, but they were totally booked.  We are going to lunch still, but will have to put off our pedicure date till another day.   Damn, I was hoping to use my perfectly pedicured toes as my focus point.

Eco-activist Diet?

March 18, 2008

Oh, lord, where does the time fly?

Been working my behind off with event planning. Did you know I’m an eco-activist? yes? No? But surely you know Earth Day is around the corner?

One of my “babies” is turning 1 on Earth Day — a full year of providing “Organic Children’s Gardening” classes for youngsters in the downtown area.

So we are celebrating the planet and our first year as a self-sustained little program running on donations alone. Big deal to me.

And I’m secretly hoping we will have another reason to celebrate — winning a grand in supplies with a garden grant!

And I found out we might get listed on an index of local earth Day events elsewhere and be given more publicity through that. And a friend hooked me up with a magazine who might cover us.

So it’s like we’re coming out of the closet and I feel sick to my stomach with stress.

And I’m supposed to be helping with my daughters school dance thing.

And I have a 5K race event to plant trees at a local teen rehab shelter and in haiti.

And I’m doing a girl power thing as well for mother’s day in honor of planet earth and women everywhere.

Run, run, run, call, mail, email, meet, plan, stress, fret, e-mail, call… That is the eco-activist diet. I can’t sleep well. My husband says I talk in my sleep. I’ve lost 8 lbs.

I don’t recc. losing weight this way but pleeeeeeeaaase cross your fingers my Earth Day things and Girl power things come together ok!

Say what?

March 12, 2008

Everything went great!  The u/s showed us an average sized baby with a very low head (my bladder could have told them that).  The estimated weight was 7 lbs which sounds like a lot to me, but apparently is normal.  I went in with Mike ready to fight the doctor about the vbac, but she seemed completely ok with the vbac!  I don’t know what happened, but she was just as nice as she could be about it.  She said that she had 3 other clients that were all due around my time and were all trying for vbac.  Nothing to argue about.

I feel like this huge pressure has been lifted off my shoulders and I can start really thinking about labor and delivery.  I want it to happen early (7 lbs already?  How big will be be at birth???), but not too early (mom isn’t here next week and I plan on spending the week hanging out with Iz).  Wow, I am so excited!

Pre-U/S post

March 11, 2008

I am nervously sitting here waiting for my u/s this afternoon.  It is all I can think about.  The babe is kicking away so I am hopeful everything will be ok.  I will be leaving in 1 hour to meet Mike for lunch, then off to the doctors.  I will post again when I return.
