
February 27, 2008

I am sitting here waiting for the delivery of our new dishwasher. (The old one finally died.)

I can’t remember the last time I had the time to just…. sit. It feels weird.

On the family front — we’ve endured this year’s flu thing for three weeks before everyone was well again. I’m still lingering.  Paul’s been really busy with his music. I’ve been really busy with fundraising. My committee life is rearranging too — I’m fading out as secretary on two committees and coming in as co-chair on another.  Julia turned four and is really busy with her friends, her playing, her artwork, and we’ve been shopping preschools for fall. She liked them both so much she wanted to stay right there and then.  I have to make arrangements for her shots and so on.

On the health and fitness front,  I have not been taking my Glucophage full strength and I’m feeling better. I was getting wiggy. I don’t know if maybe I’ve improved to where I don’t need it so strong? But I don’t have an actually appointment til April… so a drag to wait. Call it an unofficial adjustment of my meds then.

I’m down a few pounds though I’ve had to miss gym some while getting through the sick wave in my house. I plan to go tonight alone since I’m missing this morning to let the dishwasher in.

I’m wrapping up a nutrition study class that has been interesting but I’m not sure that I’d take again in this format.

On the growing front… I took a spring garden class as a refresher, I’m reading an organic lawn care book, and the tiny church garden I planted with the kids is sprouting:

The house garden has to get another bed planted over the weekend if I can get Paul to give me a hand. I gaev away a bunch of seedlings because I had too many and I still have a lot so I need that bed to put them in. Julia and I planted tomato, onion, sugar snaps peas, and eggplant already.   I want to get the rest out.

The strawberries started giving us fruit and she’s having a good time finding them. Here was the first of the season:


Sick Again!

January 22, 2008

When we last left our heroine, she was busy doing more trainer sessions (more plyometircs, whee!). She spent the weekend baking, hanging out with mom friends, and then running a church bake sale that pulled in over $250. Tired, she went home to nap. And when she awoke… the trouble began…

Headache, stuffy nose, cough, chest congestion, the works. UGGGGGHHHH!

I canceled tomorrow’s session with trainer but I haven’t yet canceled Friday’s. I’m sort of hoping this will go away by then but if not, I’m going to have to can that one and reschedule for later.

Saw doc today. Dr. B. seems to think it isn’t quite a sinus infection, though it could become one. He still thinks it is allergies. I don’t, because Paul had this nagging cold thing for almost two weeks and he’s well. At first I thought it was allergies too because Claritin helped clear it some and I had been cleaning the garage and figured it was from kicking up dust.

Anyway… I’m down and out.


July 6, 2007

Paul brought home a wicked cold and all three of us were down with it. Everyone seems to be past the worst, though I think I relapsed a bit. You know how it is — the mom takes care of everybody so her own healing is postponed.

I have to get a trellis built for the two tomatoes. They’ve gone past the cage:


So that’s the weekend project along with some baking for my mother’s bday. Once that’s behind me, gardening at church Monday, and back to gym Tuesday. Provided Julia’s snot dries up so they’ll let us back into gym daycare.

Lab Results

April 24, 2007

I’m still here. Just taking it easy. I’ve caught something — stuffy nose, ears hurt, scratchy throat, nausea, etc. So I haven’t been posting much. I pulled up at school today and another mom was getting her child out and she said she felt terrible with more or less the same symptoms. Ugh. It’s going around school!

Monday I saw my endoc. nurse. Dr. H. retired, so next time I see Dr. M. but in between I saw Nurse J. to go over my labs.

A1C? 5.4%  with 3.5 – 6.2% being normal.

Everything my comprehensive panel came back fine.

My lipid panel? Everything was fine other than HDL which they want to see closer to 50+ rather than 39.

Thyroid panel was on the money too.

Testosterone?  That was the best part. Down from 70 somethign to 39, with 24-41 being the range for me. I knew it had improved already because my cycles have been coming more regularly.

So my next check is in 6 mos instead of 3 mos with order to keep on how I’m going and make sure to get more excercise to kick up the HDL.

Overall excellent news, and certainly I’m pleased to see results. Esp. the testosterone level with such a dramatic drop.

But I’m also grumpy because if everything is looking so nice lab-wise, why isn’t anything much happening on the weight loss front?

Little Yogis

March 27, 2007

  • What: Kiddie Yoga

Woke up with a 99.5 fever. Low grade, but enough to make me feel a bit blah. Took a nap in the afternoon and then felt better so I did a round of “Little Yogis” with Julia.


March 15, 2007

  • What: elliptical, flat course
  • Distance: 1.41 miles
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Burned: 264 calories

Cut it a little short today because I have a sore throat and a congested nose. Had to wait for Heather though, so I did a quick 5 min. fit test on a recumbent bike. It told me it was a score of” 21 = Poor.” Ack.


February 27, 2007

  • 2.15 miles
  • 30 minutes
  • 400 calories burned

Tired. Going to bed. Just wanted to jot down that I did hit the gym.

Starting to get a stuffy nose. Allergies or a daycare cold coming on?


January 31, 2007

I have been sick all week.  One of my students came to see me last week while she was really sick and oh, how I wished she had just stayed home.  No workouts this week.  Maybe tomorrow.  I have been tracking food this week though.

Indecision still reigns in my little head.  I am having some pain low on my left side and am starting to wonder if I have an ovarian cyst or something.  If it doesn’t get better, I will see the doctor sooner rather than later.

Last night, Mike and I planned to spend some time just hanging out together.  Iz is out of town this week and you might think things turned romantic.  Romance for us is doing a load of soduko puzzles!  Hopefully Iz will return today before the bad weather moved in tonight.


January 24, 2007

Still sick, but the congestion is loosening up. I’m a little worried tht Julia’s coming down with it now.  she and I both were very grumpy yesterday. She wanted to be clingy and I wanted nobody to touch me. Not a good mix.

Got a weights workout done though, and I’m off to clean my house for party time over the weekend.


January 19, 2007

I have a sore throat. I know one of the kids at preschool has strep, but I hope mine’s jstu a regular cold thing and not that. Ugh. The timing couldn’t be worse — we’re a week from Julia’s birthday party!

My backyard is pretty bare bones. We got the sprinklers put in this September, and now it’s work to get the weeds to leave the yard. There are few plants — though I need to relocate Paul’s bush to a bigger area (he didn’t listen when I told him not to plant it by the patio door) and the lariopes in the one flower bed we put in are doing great. Love those things — I can ignore them and they do fine. Just have to weed around them periodically.

All the other plants I’ve tried to raise from mexican heather to impatiens to various butterfly attracting plants die on me. So it’s all experiemental. I’m going to try planting ferns tomorrow.